Irregular or guerrilla forces & warfare

76-100/159 termék

159 elem
Növekvő sorrendbe
  1. Armed Struggle and the Search for State
    Armed Struggle and the Search for State Sayigh Yezid (Assistant Director of Studies Centre of International Studies Assistant Director of Studies Centre of International Studies University of Cambridge)
    48 336,00 Ft
  2. Steel Bonnets
    Steel Bonnets Fraser George MacDonald
    7 456,00 Ft
  3. Soviet Partisan 1941-44
    Soviet Partisan 1941-44 Cornish Nik
    6 736,00 Ft
  4. Partisan Warfare 1941-45
    Partisan Warfare 1941-45 Thomas Nigel
    5 760,00 Ft
  5. Guerrilla Warfare
    Guerrilla Warfare Levy 'Yank'
    5 008,00 Ft
  6. Accidental Guerrilla
    Accidental Guerrilla Kilcullen David
    7 456,00 Ft
  7. Tito's Partisans 1941-45
    Tito's Partisans 1941-45 Vuksic Velimir
    6 624,00 Ft
  8. The Ultimate Terrorists
    The Ultimate Terrorists Stern Jessica
    16 784,00 Ft
  9. The Last Gentleman of the SAS
    The Last Gentleman of the SAS Randall John
    4 000,00 Ft
  10. Amilcar Cabral
    Amilcar Cabral Tomas Antonio
    13 968,00 Ft

76-100/159 termék

159 elem
Növekvő sorrendbe